Monday, May 25, 2020
The Effects Of Sports Injuries On Young Athletes - 1118 Words
In this day and age, â€Å"Back to school†actually refers to â€Å"Back to sports†. Children become more and more physically active. They enroll in a variety of sports activities, whether in their own school or in community-based sport programs. As a result of this tremendous life-style change in young people, the number of sports related injuries in young athletes is escalating nationwide. Statistics report that sports injuries are the second leading cause of injuries in school. Roughly 60 million children ages 6 to 18 participate in organized sport activites. The number of young athletes seen in hospital emergency rooms for sports-related injuries is approximately 3 million, with additional 5 million athletes who visit their primary care physician. The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons reports that 3.5 million children are treated for sports injuries each year - roughly half of them suffering from overuse injuries. The organization Safe Kids Worldwide reports that every 25 seconds a young athlete visits the emergency room due to a severe sports injury. With these alarming numbers in mind, an increase in children’s safety while playing sports is inevitable. While regular physical activities benefit the normal and healthy growth in children, they can be extremely harmful if the level of activity becomes overly intense or extreme. â€Å"Today, children start with competitive sports as early as age 6 or 7. I applaud their discipline and determination to be healthy and physicallyShow MoreRelatedThe Price of Concussions in Sports1084 Words  | 4 Pagesof brain injuries in the National Football League. The film devotes most of its attention to the story of Mike Webster, who died at the age of fifty as a result of severe brain injuries suffered throughout his playing career. Webster’s story highlights the devastating effect concussions can have in a short timeframe. Because brain injuries are known to develop quickly it is important that the NFL responds quickly to this concussion crisis. The NFL is the most popular professional sports league inRead MoreKids Sports and Related Injuries708 Words  | 3 PagesSports related injuries amongst children are high, but most of the injuries can be prevented. When children enter a sport their bodies need to be properly conditioned to endure the rigor of the sp ort. Also having the proper amount of rest time for injuries is crucial; children need time to fully heal before they are allowed to continue on with their sport. Majority of parents and coaches want to see young athletes be successful. Most young children are impressionable and often want to please theRead MoreThe Effects Of Concussion On Young Athletes1748 Words  | 7 PagesConcussion in Young Athletes Tennessee State University Kenji Anderson Introduction When youth participate in sports, they are at risk for multiple types of injuries. One of the most common and dangerous sports-related injuries is concussions. Although concussions are one of the most visible sports injuries, it is often hard to diagnose. Symptoms of a concussion can be vague and uncertain, which can inevitably lead to more harm to an athlete. Athletes who play with concussionsRead MoreYouth Sports Should Not Be A Challenge For Children1361 Words  | 6 PagesGrowing up as a young adult is hard enough as it is, playing sports should not be a challenge for them, but a fun environment filled with growth and learning. Unfortunately the youth today have to deal with more than just competing at sports. Youth sports should be focusing on challenging their strengths and building character, but this is not the case. The challenges that the youth in sports today are going through deals with three different categories. The first is parents that are out of controlRead MoreH igh School Athletes : A High Risks For Injuries During The Course Of Playing Sports1201 Words  | 5 PagesYoung athletes are at very high risks for injuries during the course of playing sports. It should be recognized that the development stage of adolescent growth is a period of physiological growth in height, muscle, skeletal and with their desire to be recognized by peers. Their belief that nothing bad will happen to them makes adolescents themselves prone to injuries. High school students play sports for various reasons such as scholarships, talents, hobbies, and fame, these reasons make high schoolRead MoreConcussions : Headgear For High School1565 Words  | 7 Pagesbe utilized in high school sports to prevent serious brain injuries. What is a Concussion? Definition and Causes Symptoms and Effects Long-Term Effects High School/College Statistics On Concussions Concussion Stats Wake Forest Study How To Provide Safety To Student Athletes Awareness To Student Athletes Concussion Protocol Use Of Headgear Conclusion- The use of headgear and a better handling of concussions will provide a better and safer environment for student athletes globally. Brock HarrisonRead MoreYouth Sports : A Trend That Has Touched Every Household1666 Words  | 7 PagesYouth sports in America have become a trend that has touched every household. Sports have become so ingrained in American culture that toddlers have even begun to experience it. Almost all children from the ages of six to ten have kicked a soccer ball or hit a ball with a bat. While studies have shown that youth team sports have a tremendous positive impact on a child’s social development, many children have run into serious injuries. Some of these injuries can require extensive surgeries, rehabilitationRead MoreYouth Sports : A Trend That Has Touched Every Household1551 Words  | 7 PagesYouth sports in America have become a trend that has touched every household. Sports have become so ingrained in American culture that toddlers have even begun to experience it. Almost all children from the ages of six to ten have kicked a soccer ball or hit a ball with a bat. While st udies have shown that youth team sports have a tremendous positive impact on a child’s social development, many children have run into serious injuries. Some of these injuries can require extensive surgeries, rehabilitationRead MoreSports Injuries in Athletes640 Words  | 3 PagesSports injuries are a serious thing among teenage athletes and can affect them in numerous ways. It affects both them the players and their teammates, because there is a shortage of a player. The biggest problem that all athletes face is getting injured in the sports they are playing especially high school sports. When you are playing a sport the last thing on your mind is to get injured and get out of the game. Your alternative goal is to scored and beat your opponent. Sports injuries are seriousRead MoreEssay On Atjus1506 Words  | 7 PagesThe Silent Killer Among Athletes Neurodegenerative diseases among athletes like Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) are far more common among athletes than others. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) a disease which will slowly eat away at all of the muscles in your body, will leave your mind intact, leaving you as a ghost in a shell. CTE affects the functionality of your brain itself unlike ALS. There are no found cures yet to these diseases, but researchers are finding more and more ways that
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Video Game Consoles - Marketing - 2769 Words
Video Game Consoles Video Game Consoles Video Game Consoles Name | Varun Punjabi | Class | PGDM - Communications | Subject | Marketing Management | Roll No | 39 | Scope: The Indian video games sector in 2011 was driven by the urban middle class/upper-middle class population, who adopted both static and handheld games. Rising income levels, increased availability of international brands such as Sony PlayStation 3, Nintendo Wii and Microsoft Xbox 360 as well as growth in retail chains were primary factors driving the demand for video games in India. An industry worth 25 billion dollars globally, the 9th generation of video game consoles will see tremendous advances especially with the inclusion of virtual reality†¦show more content†¦The company has worked hard to restore its reputation at a time when competition between the big three players in video games – Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo – is heating up. Most recently, Sony has focused on the motion sensing controller Move, as well introducing 3D technology to video games. Sony Corp faced a PR disaster in 2011 as it was forced to admit that its PlayStation Network had suffered a cyber-attack leaving the data of millions of its users exposed to potential theft and fraud. The company has worked hard to restore its reputation at a time when competition between the big three players in video games – Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo – is heating up. Most recently, Sony has focused on the motion sensing controller Move, as well introducing 3D technology to video games. Extensive Ramp;D: Research and development costs amounted to  ¥ 427 billion or 6% of revenues in 2010/2011. Sony does not break out Ramp;D costs related specifically to its video game products, but has stated publically that it is now working on a new Vita console which is due to be launched in Feb 2012; and is likely to be gearing up for the next generation of static video game consoles, that are expected around 2012-2013. SWOT: Sony Corp Market Assessment: * The three tenors: Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo. Video games are dominated by the big three consoles makers that include Sony, Nintendo,Show MoreRelatedMarketing: Video Game Console and Shoppers Stop4063 Words  | 17 PagesAnswer Paper Marketing Management Section A: Objective Type Part one: Multiple choices: 1.It is a concept where goods are produced without taking into consideration the choices or tastes of customers Ans) Production concept 2. It involves individuals who buys products or services for personal use and not for manufacture or resale Ans) Consumer 3. It is the groups of people who interact formally or informally influencing each other’s attitudesamp; behavior Ans) Reference groups 4Read MoreMarketing: Video Game Console and Shoppers Stop4055 Words  | 17 PagesAnswer Paper Marketing Management Section A: Objective Type Part one: Multiple choices: 1.It is a concept where goods are produced without taking into consideration the choices or tastes of customers Ans) Production concept 2. It involves individuals who buys products or services for personal use and not for manufacture or resale Ans) Consumer 3. It is the groups of people who interact formally or informally influencing each other’s attitudesamp; behavior Ans) Reference groups 4. The conceptRead MoreEssay on Week 5 â€Å"Case Analysis: Video Game Console Industry in 2012†1266 Words  | 6 PagesWeek 5 â€Å"Case Analysis: Video Game Console Industry in 2012†Grantham University BA490 Business Policy and Strategy Case Analysis: Video Game Console Industry in 2012 Page 1 Executive Summary The video game console industry is a very competitive segment. This segment requires a keen eye on product development as well as strategic product marketing and a rather large logistics arm to ensure rapid distribution to targeted areas. Video game industry in the US, whichRead MoreSocial Media And Its Effect On Society1081 Words  | 5 Pagesinteracted with brand from the traditional marketing arena to the modern times when social media has become a trend and a profitable mode of marketing as it allows consumers to directly engage with brands at their own will which means that that there are high chances of getting genuine customers through engagement. Social Media presents varied and a great number of tools that can not only allow users to engage but also enable brand track the result of their marketing efforts. Moreover, the increasing onlineRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On The Video Game Industry Essay1238 Words  | 5 Pagesnetwork effects in the video game industry? The network effects in the video game industry are derived from the console system that is sold to consumers. If a company is able to increase penetration in this arena, though at-cost/ below-cost pricing or pull created through the development of desirable content, it can potentially lock in the added value of the video games sold for the system. Which is to say, the console locks-in the network effects in the industry and the games serve to reap the profitsRead MorePs3 Business Managment1241 Words  | 5 PagesPlaystation 3 are the top three video game consoles in the U.S. market. In order to become more competitive, and gain a larger share within the video game console market, Sony must make some changes within their marketing mix. In an industry with a value of over $450M and $670M, the U.S. video game console and video game software markets, respectively, are rapidly growing and highly profitable markets. The largest segment of the market (over 56%) for video game consol es are men ages 18-34. These youngRead MoreNintendo Gamecube : A Successful Lifespan1391 Words  | 6 Pageslike the extremely popular Play Station 2, and the questionable design, the console was still popular. Many companies praised Nintendo for what they were trying to do saying that Nintendo was trying something abstract and unique (Kennley, D). The Nintendo Gamecube had a successful lifespan that were building blocks Nintendo still uses today. There were multiple game series that made first time appearances on the console like Pikmin, Luigi’s Mansion, Metroid, and Star Fox Fighter. The Gamecube alsoRead MoreThe Microeconomics of the Video Game Industry Essay1064 Words  | 5 PagesMicroeconomics of the Video Game Industry Video games have been around for years with many different types of consoles and games. The video game industry has grown into a $20 billion dollar industry over the past ten years, and it only shows signs of growing larger in the years to come. In the United States alone, the market has grown considerably where 60% of all Americans play video games, 40% are women, and 60% of all gamers are between the ages of 25 through 44 years old ( MoreThe Video Game Industry Essay1651 Words  | 7 PagesThe Video Game Industry The video gaming industry has come a long way from the first home based gaming system since the Magnavox Odyssey. Through the decades, the video game industry has rapidly improved the technology to home gaming, and made arcades nonexistence. The major video gaming titans of today are Nintendo, Microsoft Xbox, and Sony Playstation. These three have been in war with each other the past ten years, and neither show signs of defeat. However the two leading competitors of highRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On Pop Culture1116 Words  | 5 Pagesin today’s society. This example is, indeed, video games. When video games were first being introduced to the general public they weren’t all that exciting. Most gaming took place in arcades and most arcades didn’t have many game cabinets. However, all of this changed when the Atari 2600 was released. At the time, Atari was known for their home computers and their hit arcade game â€Å"Pong†. Though the Atari 2600 might not have been the first video game system, it was definitely the most successful
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury - 1592 Words
When writing the introduction to Fahrenheit 451, author Neil Gaiman stated that â€Å"ideas--written ideas--are special. They are the way we transmit our stories and our thoughts from one generation to the next. If we lose them, we lose our shared history†. Gaiman is absolutely correct; especially because what he is saying heavily applies to books. Books are a critical aspect in shaping humanity as a whole, they create and share a network of creative ideas, history, and overall entertainment; to lose books would be like losing patches of humankind’s history. Creativity, history, feelings and thoughts: all of the aspects that make us human...gone. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury illustrates the story of a man named Guy Montag who struggles to live in a futuristic dystopian society where censorship through book burning is prominent. Throughout Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury uses multiple motifs to emphasize a certain idea or convey a message to the reader better. A motif is a re curring subject, theme, idea, or even a physical object that appears in literature. Ray Bradbury’s hostile tone towards technology gives meaning to the reader by depicting the message that technology has the power to completely detach people from their genuine emotions, as well as urge readers to not get too attached to technology because it separates them from relationships in real life. When the motif of technology appears in Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury often uses a hostile, foreboding tone to convey to readersShow MoreRelatedFahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury719 Words  | 3 PagesThe flash point of paper, or the temperature at which paper will burst in flames, is 451 degrees Fahrenheit. In Fahrenheit 451, written by Ray Bradbury, the main character, Guy Montag, is a â€Å"fireman†in a futuristic society where he and his coworkers start fires, rather than put them out. Books are banned and burned, along with the owner of the book’s house and sometimes even the owner of the book, upon discovery. Technology has taken over in a sense that social interaction between the average personRead MoreFahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury1952 Words  | 8 Pagesis clearly displayed in the plight of Ray Bradbury’s novel about a dystopian American society, Fahrenheit 451, which contains many ideas and bits of content that some people believed should be censored. In fact, one of the reasons that this novel was censored for displaying the dangers of censorship, which is both extremely ironic, and telling as to where this society is going. Thanks to several distributors and oversensitive parents and teachers, Fahrenheit 451 has been banned in many schools overRead MoreFahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury954 Words  | 4 Pages In Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, the author uses allegory (often misinterpreted by readers) to show the dangers of mass media consumption and the decline of reading traditional media. Many readers draw incorrect conclusions (lessons learned) from the book due to how generally the book applies its theme. Government censorship, though an important topic, is not the intended focus of the novel Fahrenheit 451. Finally, Bradbury’s original message of the book shows the beauty of traditional media andRead MoreFahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury1661 Words  | 7 Pages1.) In the novel, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, M ontag’s view on life reverses. Two characters the influence the main character Guy Montag are the old lady whose house and books were burnt down and Mildred. The old lady was caught preserving books in her home. Firemen including Montag were ordered to burn the books. The old lady refused to leave her books, so she too was burned. She bravely gave an allusion as her last words, â€Å"Play the man,’ she said, ‘Master Ridley.’ Something, somethingRead MoreFahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury818 Words  | 4 PagesFAHRENHEIT 451 BY RAY BRADBURY Important People in Montag’s Life In Partical Fulfillment Of English 2 Ms Irina Abramov By Helen Hernandez November 9, 2012 â€Å"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them†-Ray Bradbury. In the past there were events that affected book writers. People will get together to burn books because they thought it was inappropriate or they were against their literature. Montag is a fireman in a futuristic society who would startRead MoreFahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury918 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Fahrenheit 451,†written by Ray Bradbury, is a futuristic, dystopian novel based upon a society secluded by technology and ignorance. In this future society, books are outlawed and firemen are presented with the task of burning books that are found in people’s homes. Montag, a fireman, finds himself intrigued with the books, and begins to take them home and read them. As the story progresses, Montag learns the truth behind why books are outlawed and flees his city to join the last remnants of age-oldRead MoreFahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury863 Words  | 4 PagesTh e novel, Fahrenheit 451 was written by Ray Bradbury and it took place in the dystopian future. Throughout each novel, we are able to see a major theme, which is censorship. In this essay, I will explain how this theme are explored in the story by using the literary devices. To begin with, in this novel, censorship is not given a straight description, but we can see how the author shows it through many literary elements, such as using the setting, tone and symbolisms even foreshadowing. This novelRead MoreFahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury943 Words  | 4 PagesIn the novel Fahrenheit 451, written in 1951 by Ray Bradbury. There are many similarities between the novel and contemporary society, including technology, family lifestyle and censorship. In Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury’s main focus was on technology, such as televisions. Televisions were a big deal back in 1950, individuals were thrilled to get their hands on the new device. When it comes to Mildred, Montag s wife in Fahrenheit 451 novel. Mildred was so obsessed with televisions. She had three differentRead MoreFahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury1592 Words  | 7 PagesWhen writing the introduction to Fahrenheit 451, author Neil Gaiman stated that â€Å"ideas--written ideas--are special. They are the way we transmit our stories and our thoughts from one generation to the next. If we lose them, we lose our shared history†. Gaiman is absolutely correct; especially because what he is saying heavily applies to books. Books are a critical aspect in shaping humanity as a whole, they create and share a network of creative ideas, history, and overall entertainment; to loseRead MoreFahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury847 Words  | 4 PagesSet Knowledge On Fire The book Fahrenheit 451 is a postmodern work by Ray Bradbury first published in 1951. In Bradbury’s story, all books are illegal and are subject to be burned by firemen. Furthermore, the two predominant themes of Fahrenheit 451 are censorship and ignorance. The censorship implemented over the years removes all information from society that is necessary to learn, which accomplishes to prevent people from questioning anything. The ignorance of society has been fostered and the Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury - 1592 Words When writing the introduction to Fahrenheit 451, author Neil Gaiman stated that â€Å"ideas--written ideas--are special. They are the way we transmit our stories and our thoughts from one generation to the next. If we lose them, we lose our shared history†. Gaiman is absolutely correct; especially because what he is saying heavily applies to books. Books are a critical aspect in shaping humanity as a whole, they create and share a network of creative ideas, history, and overall entertainment; to lose books would be like losing patches of humankind’s history. Creativity, history, feelings and thoughts: all of the aspects that make us human...gone. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury illustrates the story of a man named Guy Montag, who struggles to live in a futuristic dystopian society where censorship through book burning is prominent. Throughout Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury uses multiple motifs to emphasize a certain idea or convey a message to the reader better. A motif is a r ecurring subject, theme, idea, or even a physical object that appears in literature. Ray Bradbury’s hostile tone towards technology gives meaning to the reader by depicting the message that technology has the power to completely detach people from their genuine emotions, as well as urge readers to not get too attached to technology because it separates them from relationships in real life. When the motif of technology appears in Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury often uses a hostile, foreboding tone to convey to readersShow MoreRelatedFahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury719 Words  | 3 PagesThe flash point of paper, or the temperature at which paper will burst in flames, is 451 degrees Fahrenheit. In Fahrenheit 451, written by Ray Bradbury, the main character, Guy Montag, is a â€Å"fireman†in a futuristic society where he and his coworkers start fires, rather than put them out. Books are banned and burned, along with the owner of the book’s house and sometimes even the owner of the book, upon discovery. Technology has taken over in a sense that social interaction between the average personRead MoreFahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury1952 Words  | 8 Pagesis clearly displayed in the plight of Ray Bradbury’s novel about a dystopian American society, Fahrenheit 451, which contains many ideas and bits of content that some people believed should be censored. In fact, one of the reasons that this novel was censored for displaying the dangers of censorship, which is both extremely ironic, and telling as to where this society is going. Thanks to several distributors and oversensitive parents and teachers, Fahrenheit 451 has been banned in many schools overRead MoreFahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury954 Words  | 4 Pages In Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, the author uses allegory (often misinterpreted by readers) to show the dangers of mass media consumption and the decline of reading traditional media. Many readers draw incorrect conclusions (lessons learned) from the book due to how generally the book applies its theme. Government censorship, though an important topic, is not the intended focus of the novel Fahrenheit 451. Finally, Bradbury’s original message of the book shows the beauty of traditional media andRead MoreFahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury1592 Words  | 7 PagesWhen writing the introduction to Fahrenheit 451, author Nei l Gaiman stated that â€Å"ideas--written ideas--are special. They are the way we transmit our stories and our thoughts from one generation to the next. If we lose them, we lose our shared history†. Gaiman is absolutely correct; especially because what he is saying heavily applies to books. Books are a critical aspect in shaping humanity as a whole, they create and share a network of creative ideas, history, and overall entertainment; to loseRead MoreFahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury1661 Words  | 7 Pages1.) In the novel, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, Montag’s view on life reverses. Two characters the influence the main character Guy Montag are the old lady whose house and books were burnt down and Mildred. The old lady was caught preserving books in her home. Firemen including Montag were ordered to burn the books. The old lady refused to leave her books, so she too was burned. She bravely gave an allusion as her last words, â€Å"Play the man,’ sh e said, ‘Master Ridley.’ Something, somethingRead MoreFahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury818 Words  | 4 PagesFAHRENHEIT 451 BY RAY BRADBURY Important People in Montag’s Life In Partical Fulfillment Of English 2 Ms Irina Abramov By Helen Hernandez November 9, 2012 â€Å"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them†-Ray Bradbury. In the past there were events that affected book writers. People will get together to burn books because they thought it was inappropriate or they were against their literature. Montag is a fireman in a futuristic society who would startRead MoreFahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury918 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Fahrenheit 451,†written by Ray Bradbury, is a futuristic, dystopian novel based upon a society secluded by technology and ignorance. In this future society, books are outlawed and firemen are presented with the task of burning books that are found in people’s homes. Montag, a fireman, finds himself intrigued with the books, and begins to take them home and read them. As the story progresses, Montag learns the truth behind why books are outlawed and flees his city to join the last remnants of age-oldRead MoreFahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury863 Words  | 4 PagesTh e novel, Fahrenheit 451 was written by Ray Bradbury and it took place in the dystopian future. Throughout each novel, we are able to see a major theme, which is censorship. In this essay, I will explain how this theme are explored in the story by using the literary devices. To begin with, in this novel, censorship is not given a straight description, but we can see how the author shows it through many literary elements, such as using the setting, tone and symbolisms even foreshadowing. This novelRead MoreFahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury943 Words  | 4 PagesIn the novel Fahrenheit 451, written in 1951 by Ray Bradbury. There are many similarities between the novel and contemporary society, including technology, family lifestyle and censorship. In Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury’s main focus was on technology, such as televisions. Televisions were a big deal back in 1950, individuals were thrilled to get their hands on the new device. When it comes to Mildred, Montag s wife in Fahrenheit 451 novel. Mildred was so obsessed with televisions. She had three differentRead MoreFahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury847 Words  | 4 PagesSet Knowledge On Fire The book Fahrenheit 451 is a postmodern work by Ray Bradbury first published in 1951. In Bradbury’s story, all books are illegal and are subject to be burned by firemen. Furthermore, the two predominant themes of Fahrenheit 451 are censorship and ignorance. The censorship implemented over the years removes all information from society that is necessary to learn, which accomplishes to prevent people from questioning anything. The ignorance of society has been fostered and the
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Effects of Big Data on Sports Analytics-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Business Intelligence using Big Data. Answer: Introduction Sports Analytics are a collection of data that are related to the statistics of different players within single system. These stats are used by the coaches of different sports teams in order to evaluate a project performance of the players. Sports analytics are mostly popular in sports like baseball, basketball, American football and soccer. Sports analytics were first successfully used in a season by former baseball coach Billy Beane where he used the statistical data of players instead of their current performances to buy from other teams and play him in his own team. He successfully used the technique (known as sabremetrics) to become the league champion in that season in 2001. Sports analytics have come a long way from that revolutionary year and is now used by coaches of different sports. Moreover, with the introduction of Big Data, sports analytics find more applicability and practicality in different sports. Previously, sports analytics data was stored in written documents. Ho wever, paper documents easily got destroyed or worn out and hence, the data could not be stored for a long amount of time. However, with the development of Big Data, this particular problem seems to be solved. After the development of information system, data could be stored in storage devices as well as virtual storage interface. There are several web based companies that have designed different websites where the consumers can check different players and teams statistics. Some of these websites are (soccer), (cricket), (baseball) and others. In this report, the effects of Big Data on Sports Analytics and the related factors are analyzed and discussed. Data Collection and Storage Data Collection System Data collections in sports have been done manually before the development of modern automatic data collection techniques and Big Data. Due to the manual handling of the system, the data was often inaccurate. Moreover, due to the high pace of the game, the scorers were not able to cope up with the speed of the game and hence, made many errors. Another issue with the manual system was that the stats were changed so quickly that the viewers could not catch the exact score or statistic. This system called for a massive change in order to make it more effective and efficient as well as recordable so that it can be rewinded whenever needed by the user (Agarwal and Dhar 2014). Big Data has been able to solve the problem of the storage and management of the data but data collection process also needed an overhaul. Use of RFID techniques solved this problem and it now finds extensive use in almost every sport for data collection. This involves use of miniature sensors that are attached at var ious places like ball, bat, stumps, players shirts and others. These sensors record the statistics like run, home run, goal, wicket, etc. and send them to the RFID transceiver placed in the statistics room. The data collected in the transceiver is then recorded in the Big Data for future use and references (Hu et al. 2014). In baseball, Pitchf/x innovation from Sportvision has been introduced in every one of the 30 Major League Baseball Stadiums to track pitches amid diversions. These technologies have been extremely useful in different sports and more and more companies developed new technical instruments and developments for enhancing the match experience. Another company named Sportvision has a suite of different advancements for baseball, football and other popular sports. These companies have utilized existing advanced equipments like Google glass and fitness checker along with own inventions for enhancing the sports analytics process (Kim, Trimi and Chung 2014). Adidas has a f ramework called miCoach that works by having players append a wearable gadget to their shirts. Data from the gadget demonstrates the mentor who the best entertainers are and who needs rest. Another organization, SportVU provides six cameras in six corners of a NBA field that are utilized by the statisticians as well as the coaches to gather data on the developments on each player. From this data, the coaches can monitor the progress of the players. Storage System Previously, sports analytics data was stored in written documents. However, paper documents easily got destroyed or worn out and hence, the data could not be stored for a long amount of time. However, with the development of Big Data, this particular problem seems to be solved. After the development of information system, data could be stored in storage devices as well as virtual storage interface. However, the available storage space was not enough for storing data containing sports statistics of the last 100 years (Marr 2015). With the inception of Big Data, there was almost unlimited virtual storage space was made available and this was then utilized by sports statisticians. Not only Big Data provided the huge amount of storage space but also an efficient management system that did not provide any of the errors that would have been done by manual management. Big Data involves collection, use and management of huge amount of data from various sources and origins. With the gradual d evelopment and improvement of the management systems including analytics, everyday, huge amount of data is being created and transferred. Without Big Data, all these would not have been possible as the storage spaces in the physical drives and devices are limited. Big Data provides virtual storage space for almost unlimited amount of data. While physical storage devices like hard disk provides storage space of around 4 terabytes at maximum, Big Data can provide spaces more than hundreds of petabytes in the virtual interface (Rein and Memmert 2016). Hence, it can easily be said that the biggest advantage of Big Data is the unlimited space it provides as well as its capability manage different types of data with high efficiency. All the more particularly, the neighborhood government directions additionally affect on the Big Data administration process and in the end result in imposing of several rules and guidelines on the data usage and management inside Big Data. However, one main i ssue with the Big Data storage is its security. As the entire storage interface is hosted online, it is vulnerable to external attacks like malware infection, mass hacking attack and others. Although several measures have been taken to solve the issues and strengthen the immunity of the interface, this is a persistent problem as the unethical attackers are also upgrading themselves with the development of technology. For major Big Data related applications, for example, Google, Flicker, Facebook, and Walmart, an extensive number of server ranches are sent everywhere throughout the world to guarantee constant administrations and snappy reactions for neighborhood markets. Such self-ruling sources are the arrangements of the specialized outlines, as well as the aftereffects of the enactment and the direction runs in various nations/districts (Ellaway et al. 2014). For instance, Asian markets of Walmart are intrinsically not quite the same as its North American markets regarding occasio nal advancements, top offer things, and client practices. Data in Action Consumer-Centric Product Design Consumer-centric product is a product or a service that is mainly designed based on the requirements of the customer. Moreover, further modifications are also made based on the customer demands rather than just for profitability through design improvement. With the volumes and sorts of data being gathered, created, put away and utilized evolving day by day, it is not astonishing there is no single, acknowledged meaning of "Advanced Analytics" or simply "Big Data" (Mahmood and Takahashi 2015). The sorts and employments of data and investigation vary generally over all segments, and particularly the US Government: what is Big Data to the National Weather Service may not be to the NSA, the SEC or the IRS. In the meantime, any organization trying to fabricate a reasonable way to deal with enable Federal clients to characterize and address rising data and examination needs should first comprehend the scene. The likelihood of supplanting (or if nothing else lessening) vast quantities of ad ministrations contractual workers with bring down cost, robotized devices and procedures can be Big Data's most engaging perspective to a few clients. Despite the kind of test confronted, recall that arrangements must be customized to help the client's particular mission needs. To adequately serve a client requires a temporary worker to comprehend their main goal targets, characterize in detail the related data and investigation openings and difficulties (in a perfect world before the client does), and to know about and access to present and rising Big Data advances and apparatuses (Kim and Park 2015). This developmental movement is particularly debilitating to customary work serious plans of action of some present temporary workers. For occupants with both profound IT capabilities and extensive management skills, this introduces a troublesome choice on whether to grasp or fight improvements that may tear apart their current administrations organizations. It is assumed that the hard est piece of building up a viable Federal Big Data procedure is the hierarchical test. All these factors provide significant challenges to the development of consumer-centric Big Data applications in the organizations. In this chosen field i.e. sports analytics, the consumers are the sports team management as well as the fans who read and discuss the stats. The product i.e. the sports analytics databases are thus created based on the requirements of the consumers. There are several web based companies that have designed different websites where the consumers can check different players and teams statistics. Some of these websites are (soccer), (cricket), (baseball) and others. Recommendation System Recommendation system is a system that recommends a user a certain number of websites and others based on his search results. For instance, if a user types a certain word in YouTube, the in-built recommendation system provides the user with some videos that are most relevant with his searched keyword. The recommendation system works well with the Big Data. It is known that Big Data contains a huge amount of data and as a result, a user searching for a particular piece of data will find it very hard to find it. For instance, let there has been a soccer match between Argentina and Germany. A user missed the match and now wants to know who scored the goals in the match. However, in the database of the website, there will be records of thousands of soccer games played from its inception till now. Hence, the user will almost cannot find the information he needs without the recommendation system. Now, if there is a recommendation system, he can simply type the match name (Argentina vs. Ger many in this case) as well as the date in which the match has been played. First, the recommendation system will search the database and narrow down all the results to only Argentina vs. Germany soccer matches. After that, it will narrow it down to the selected year and then to the specific date. After it finds the statistics of the selected match, it will then return the results to the user. Business Continuity Since almost all of the online business requires a continuous internet connection, power outages and other internet-related disasters like mass hacking, malware attacks and others can significantly affect the business continuity of the organization. Power outages are out of human control and hence, support systems are to be designed in case of these incidents. The main objective of these support systems will be to continuously record any data operations that are going on in the main systems. When power outage occurs, this system will also shut down but the recorded data and information will be saved safely (Millington and Millington 2015). When the power is back, the saved data operations will be restored back in the main system. Again, there are other security challenges that may result in disastrous situations for the online business organization. In order to prevent these challenges that include malware attack, mass hacking and phishing, the organization should implement strong in ternet firewalls that will restrict the flow of data from the main systems. The main objective of these firewalls will be to restrict any random data from entering the system except only authorized data. All these steps must be taken to avoid disasters and maintain online business continuity. Conclusion In this report, the effects of Big Data on Sports Analytics and the related factors are analyzed and discussed. Big Data concerns substantial volume and developing data sets with different, self-sufficient sources. With the quick improvement of systems administration, data collection, and the data management limits, Big Data involves collection, use and management of huge amount of data from various sources and origins. With the gradual development and improvement of the management systems including analytics, everyday, huge amount of data is being created and transferred. Without Big Data, all these would not have been possible as the storage spaces in the physical drives and devices are limited. Big Data provides virtual storage space for almost unlimited amount of data. Hence, it can easily be said that the biggest advantage of Big Data is the unlimited space it provides as well as its capability manage different types of data with high efficiency. However, one main issue with the Big Data storage is its security. As the entire storage interface is hosted online, it is vulnerable to external attacks like malware infection, mass hacking attack and others. Although several measures have been taken to solve the issues and strengthen the immunity of the interface, this is a persistent problem as the unethical attackers are also upgrading themselves with the development of technology. Sports analytics have come a long way from that revolutionary year and is now used by coaches of different sports. Moreover, with the introduction of Big Data, sports analytics find more applicability and practicality in different sports. Previously, sports analytics data was stored in written documents. However, paper documents easily got destroyed or worn out and hence, the data could not be stored for a long amount of time. However, with the development of Big Data, this particular problem seems to be solved. After the development of information system, data could be stored in st orage devices as well as virtual storage interface. Currently, the main threat of the Big Data in sports analytics is internet security. Big Data is vulnerable to external attacks like malware attacks, mass hacking and others. Hence, proper security systems like firewalls must be developed in order to prevent any attacks on sports analytic database. Recommendations Based on the analysis provided, several recommendations can be made, which are as follows. Application Although Big Data is already implemented in Sports Analytics, it is still limited and the data managed is mostly manual within the virtual interface of the Big Data. A new system must be developed for further automating the data entry and management processes. Consumer-Centricity Maintenance of consumer-centricity is essential in most businesses including sports analytics. 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