Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The Wireless Internet Technology Computer Science Essay
The Wireless Internet Technology Computer Science Essay Wireless Internet gives us a permission to access World Wide Web or Internet email via wireless network. Without using any telephone line or any cable network wireless internet can be used. Not only in a particular place we can use the Internet through wireless Internet even if we are out of the office or home. People have tended to use wireless Internet not only it dont use wire but also it has easy using for their activities. When we consider about the wireless technologies, Wi-Fi, Wi-max, Blootooth, 3G and Satellite are examples. When we use these technologies to access Internet these technologies will help us in different ways, and difference technologies embedded in different devices. Some technologies are available in devices in default. And some can be connected. With recent advances in wireless Internet technology , high speed wireless connection are now available on laptops, cell phones ,and other mobile computing devices. paragraph{} Wireless Internet is become most important in today. In education, business, exploration, and govern like all this field use the facility of wireless Internet. The world has been become global. Then the information not limited to a particular place, in this situation wireless internet is the tool to link this all things together. Therefore people should not limited for a place like home or office. They must be able to access the internet at any place where they want. Therefore wireless Internet is very important to todays world. Internet is the most important and valuable topic in today. People use Internet to do their lots of activities. section{History of Wireless Internet.} begin{itemize} item German physicist Heinrich Hertz in his lab designed the primary electromagnetic radio waves in the year 1888. item In the year 1894 using radio waves in Oxford, England was sent by British physicist Sir Oliver Lodge as the first message. item Italian inventor Guglielmo Marcon delivered radio waves diagonally the English Channel in the year 1899. end{itemize} section{New features of the Wireless ISPs} However, modern wireless ISPs are able to provide connection speeds ranging anywhere from 384 Kbps to 2.0 Mbps. That is up to 35 times faster than dialup! One new wireless technology in development as of early 2009 is poised to increase the download speeds of wireless even further. WiMax promises to deliver maximum speeds of up to 7 Mbps to your laptop, your car, your cell phone, and your home. WiMax is only just now becoming available in some U.S. cities, but expect to see it in more locations by the end of the year and throughout 2010. Internet is a wide range of subject. Through the internet what we can do is not limited to the send emails and message activities through your mobiles phones. There are number of operations we can do by using the internet. But the technologies we that we use to access the internet is limit the those activities. To download avideo, share a large file, download streaming media, upload some large amount of data, it is better to having a high speed wireless Internet service Provider. In the present most mobile computers such as laptops comes with the facility to access the internet. It means the devices already have a wireless adapter installed in it. Not only that there are number of computer related devices which can be used to inernet remotely. Those devices have been set up to access the internet in any where the wireless ISP facility have been established. By today there are so many places they provide the facility to access the internet. And most of ISPs give the chance to their customers providing the internet access facility such as 3G, wi-fi in public areas. section{Requirements for a Wireless Internet Connection:} When we need to connect a device to the internet wirelessly, there are need some different equipments and facilities than when connecting using wired connection. To access the internet wirelessly it is good to have following things: begin{itemize} item Some type of mobile computing device, such as an iPhone, PDA, mini-computer, cell phone, or similar item or a laptop computer . item An internal wireless adapter or a USB port for connecting an external adapter. the adapter that you use must be compatible with the specific wireless provider you sign up for and the protocols they use. For example, a Wi-Fi 802.11 adapter. item A high speed, wireless Internet access plan from a provider in your area. item Free sniffer software for locating access at various Hot Spot locations (this software is typically supplied by your wireless Internet service provider). end{itemize} It is important to note that wireless home networking and wireless Internet access outside the home or office are two rather different things. Setting up a wireless LAN in your home should not involve a separate service beyond your current DSL or cable provider. They will typically provide you with all the equipment that you need, such as a wireless router, to establish a wireless LAN in your home at no extra cost. section{WISP Wireless Internet Service Provider} Wireless Internet Service Providers provide the public wireless services. There are number of WISPs available in today. In airports, hotels , computer schools and other public business places are covered with the networks using the wireless internet service providers. WISPs are mostly used to create the Local area networks(LAN). When you use a WISP, you must have the permissions to access it. But some WISPs give the access free. When you use it you must have the clear idea about the security of that WISP. Because there can spread the viruses through that networks. Therefore it will be harmful to your computers. Some WISPs give their service having some contracts, and some time they charge for their service. chapter{wireless Networks} section{What is a Wreless Network?} A wireless network is a kind of network which has interconnections between nodes without using a wire. In this methodology the network is established with the help of electromagnetic waves such as radio waves, LAN connections etc. wireless network is normal same as other network but use the wireless technology to transmit data through the network. There are some advantages uses the wireless network, because the devices within the network can be access within that area at any time anywhere. section{Types of Wireless Networks} subsection{Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN)} Wireless lan is a wireless local area network which uses radio waves for data transmission between computers of the same network. WLANS allow users in local area such as in a university library get the access to the internet. subsection{Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN)} Bluetooth and Infra Red technologies are used for wireless personal Network. These technologies will allow the connectivity of personal devices within an area of 30 feet. Infra Red requires a direct line and the range is less as compared to Bluetooth technology. subsection{Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks (WMAN)} Wireless man is a Metropolitan area network that connects the computerof various local area networks. It could be within a building in the company. section{Wireless Wide Area Networks (WWAN)} WWANs or Wireless Area Networks can be maintained over large areas such as in different cities or between different countries, via multiple satellite systems or antenna sites. The types of system are called 2G systems. chapter{3G Internet} Access the internet using the 3G mobile network is meant by 3G Internet. 3G mobile network can be accessed through a mobile device which can be a mobile phone or PDA. Third generation technology is used by 3G internet, which allows users to access larger amount of data with a higher speeds. When comparing the other technologies which are used to access the internet, 3G technology is in a higher position. There are number of devices which provide the facilities to use 3G technology. section{3G internet vs. regular internet} To access the 3G internet there are some specific devices that are smaller and more compact than regular desktop and laptop computers. Mostly 3G internet is accessed by the mobile phones. Therefore the accessing internet is depend on the mobile phones size and the model. Because the mobile phone has more facilities it is easy to access the web pages to see in their normal sizes. Otherwise the applications interfaces view in smaller size. Mobile networks handle those data, therefore the accessing the internet through the 3G internet is simpler than the regular internet. There are limited download in 3G internet and it depend on the mobile service provider which is selected by you. When we use the wired network to access the internet we can use it within a limited area, but when weuse the 3G internet there has facility to access the intrenet within a wide area which is coverd by the mobile service provider. To acess the 3G internet there only need a mobile phone and the facility to 3G by the service provider. begin{itemize} item Speed of 10Mbps at 10 kilometers with line-of-sight with high throughput. item Easy installation and much faster installation compare to wired networks. item Full support for WMAN services. item Single station can serve hundreds of users. item It is standardized, and same frequency equipments work together. item Lower consumer premises equipment cost. item WiMAX is enabling for number of applications in customer and business because of its quality of service. end{itemize} section{Is the 3G internet right for you?} The main thing with the accessing internet through the mobile is the size of the viewing the web pages. Accessing 3G internet is some time not practical with the size of viewing to fulfil our needs through the 3G internet. There are some advantages as well as disadvantages. Some time the web pages which are viewed in the mobile phones or PDA are simple pages and they contain only the valuable details. At that time users dont need the vaste their time and they can get the information about what they are searched directly and fast. But they can be only less detailed. To watch some video, upload pictures, design tasks they are difficult to do with the 3G internet. But the very important fact is use the 3G internet is available in anywhere the signals available on the selected service providers. Nowadays it is not difficult because the every place covered by the service providers. section{So who will use 3G internet?} paragraph{} There are limited facilities have provided in 3G mobile internet. But it is easy way to access the internet than access the internet through the DSl or cable network. In business, students can use the 3G internet mostly. It would be useful to anyone who has the facility to access the internet anywhere. chapter{WiMAX } section{WiMAX: Broadband Wireless Access} paragraph{} WiMAX stands for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access. WiMAX is the IEEE 802.16 standards-based wireless technology that provides MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) broadband connectivity to access the internet. In a WiMAX is an Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems, also known as the IEEE WirelessMAN air interface. As far as 30 miles of area can be covered using the WiMAX-based system by transmitting data. So far, WiMAX can be used for homes and offices communication . section{Wireless Standards} There are some wireless standards have been established by the IEEE. begin{itemize} item IEEE 802.15, also known as Bluetooth, for the Personal Area Network (PAN); item IEEE 802.11, also known as WiFi, for the Local Area Network (LAN); item IEEE 802.16 for the Metropolitan Area Network (MAN), item IEEE 802.20 for the Wide Area Network (WAN). end{itemize} paragraph{} Normally miles are used to measure the WiMAX range and feet are used for the Wifi range. The main thing is that WiFi is focused on a local-area networking (LAN) technology and that WiMAX is a MAN technology. paragraph{} The 802.16d standard of extending 802.16 supports three physical layers . The mandatory PHY mode is 256-point FFT Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). The other two PHY modes are Single Carrier (SC) and 2048 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) modes. By the way, the corresponding European standard-the ETSI HiperMAN standard-defines a single PHY mode identical to the 256 OFDM modes in the 802.16d standard. paragraph{} A WiMAX system consists of two parts: begin{itemize} item A WiMAX tower, similar in concept to a cell-phone tower A single WiMAX tower can provide coverage to a very large area as big as 3,000 square miles (~8,000 square km). item A WiMAX receiver The receiver and antenna could be a small box or PCMCIA card, or they could be built into a laptop the way WiFi access is today. end{itemize} paragraph{} There are namy advantages included in WiMAX-based solutions, robust security features, good Quality of Service, and mesh and smart antenna technology that will alow better utilization of the resources. WiMAX-based voice service can work on either traditional Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) voice or IP-based Voice, also known as Voice over IP (VoIP). paragraph{} WiMAX is similer to WiFi but the WiMAX have higher speed than Wi-Fi and would cover a large area by spreading in a long distance than covering from WI-Fi. Therefore using WiMAX large number of users can access the internet. Use the WiMAX than Wi-Fi is better to get more works. chapter{Wi-Fi Wireless Internet} paragraph{} WiFi stands for wireless fidelity and is a popular technology being used by homes, workplaces, mobiles and computer systems world-wide. paragraph{} Using radio waves produce the high speed internet services and network connection can be described in the Wi-Fi internet. This technology mostly used in the business places, universities, and offices. Wi-Fi technology can be used in a limited area. Within that area any can access the internet through a device like laptop which has a wireless adapter. paragraph{} Wi-Fi works using radio frequency, without using any wired connection between sender and the receiver. When we use the Wi-Fi to a network, automatically create a wireless local area network (WLAN). Wi-Fi provide Fast data transfer rate. With transfer speeds up to 54mb. paragraph{} Within the Wi-Fi established area users can move with their computers from one access point to another. The cost for the wired network is can be saved using wireless networks. paragraph{} begin{itemize} item Normally open or un-encrypted as a default setting comes with the WiFi (wireless fidelity) networks. item In order to secure a WiFi, network, connection must distribute with password protected and the device must be configured using a Graphical User Interface or GUI. item Un-encrypted networks are freely accessible and any data can be accessed through these. Therefore the spreading of viruses can be happen. end{itemize} chapter{Other Technologies} section{Bluetooth} subsection{What is Bluetooth?} paragraph{} Bluetooth is one of wireless technology most used in today in the digital devices. That technology is used to access the internet too. Bluetooth technology is use o communicate between various electronics and that technology has been expanding every day. Mostly used in mobiles phones, personal computers, PDA, Laptops, digital camera, MP3 players and other Bluetooth enabled devices. paragraph{} The Bluetooth technology was invented by Ericson in 1994, and after in 1998 that the major mobile phone companies such as Nokia, Ericsson, Intel and Toshiba gathered to promote this technology. Using Bluetooth there can be connected eight devices at a time. Communication can be established hopping channels up to 1600 times per second. Bluetooth wireless technology works by allowing the transmission of signals over short distances between these devices and there by abridge communication and synchronization between these devices. subsection{How it Works} paragraph{} The Bluetooth chip can operate between the frequency band of 2400-2483.5Mhz. Bluetooth is designed to use in area where the wireless communication such as infrared are not working. Between the devices which are use to connect to using the Bluetooth there doesnt need to have a clear path between them for connecting the devices. paragraph{} Bluetooth wireless technology works by allowing the transmission of signals over short distances between these devices and there by abridge communication and synchronization between these devices. section{GPRS} GPRS stands for General Packet Radio Service, and is a protocol for passing data over a mobile phone network. And GPRS use to access the internet through the mobile phones. Even though there is no 3G facility, you can access the internet with having the GPRS facility in your phone. Heres what you need to know about GPRS: begin{itemize} item GPRS replaced dial-up mobile phone Internet access, offering faster browsing of Internet content and email. Its an always on service. item GPRS on a mobile phone doesnt use a phone number to connect; it uses something called an APN (Access Point Name). item For GPRS usage, have to pay for the amount of data you transferred, and not need to pay for your online time per minute. item GPRS has now been largely superseded by faster data network services known as 3G end{itemize} chapter{Conclusion} To access the internet it is easy to use the wireless technology because it can be used in everywhere the signal are available in internet service providers. When we select the technology to access the internet we must consider about the speed, cost, availability of signals, suitability of the needs. According to the tasks we wants to fulfil the technology can be different. When you use the 3G Internet through the mobile phones it is better to consider about the size of viewing. Bluetooth is mostly use to connect phones with the computers than connecting computer to a computer. There are various networks in wireless technology which are related to the different places. begin{thebibliography}{100} bibitem {}Unknown Author. (2002). textit{Wireless Internet Service}. Available: http://www.high-speed-internet-access-guide.com/wireless/. Last accessed 10 June 2010. bibitem {}Unknown . (2008). textit{3G Intrenet}. Available: http://www.broadband-expert.co.uk/3g-internet/. Last accessed 10 June 2010. bibitem {}unknown. (2002). textit{GPRS in the UK}. Available: http://www.filesaveas.com/gprs.html. \ Last accessed 11 June 2010. bibitem {}unknown. (2007). textit{Wireless Network Types}. \ {Available: http://www.networktutorials.info/wireless_networking.html}. Last accessed 27 May 2010. bibitem {}unknown. (2008). textit{How WiMAX Works}. {Available: http://computer.howstuffworks.com/wimax1.htm}. Last accessed 07 June 2010. bibitem {}unknown. (2010). textit{Wi-Fi}. {Available:http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/W/Wi Fi.html}. {Last accessed 03 June 2010}. bibitem {}unknown. (2006). textit{Wireless Network}. {Available:http://www.altiusdirectory.com/Computers/wireless-network.html}. Last accessed 04 June 2010. bibitem {}unknown. (2006). textit{Bluetooth Wireless Technology}. {Available:http://www.altiusdirectory.com/Computers/bluetooth-wireless-technology.html}. Last accessed 07 June 2010. bibitem {}unknown. (2006). textit{Bluetooth Wireless Technology}. {Available:http://www.altiusdirectory.com/Computers/bluetooth-wireless-technology.html}. Last accessed 12 June 2010. bibitem {}unknown. (2006). textit{WiFi How Does It Work?}. \ {Available:http://www.bwif.org/wifi how it works.html}. Last accessed 08 June 2010. bibitem {}unknown. (2005). textit{Different Types of Wireless Network}. \ {Available:http://www.greyfriars.net/gcg/greyweb.nsf/miam/article01}. Last accessed 11 June 2010. bibitem {}unknown. (2010). textit{Introduction to Network Types}. \ {Available:http://compnetworking.about.com/od/basicnetworkingconcepts/a/network types.htm}. \Last accessed 07 June 2010. bibitem {}unknown. (2010). textit{Wireless Networks}. {Available:http://www.topbits.com/wireless-networks}. Last accessed 07 June 2010. bibitem {}unknown. (2010). textit{WISP Wireless Internet Service Provider}. {Available:http://compnetworking.about.com/od/wirelessterms/g/bldef wisp.htm}. \ Last accessed 07 June 2010. bibitem {}Jeff Tyson. (2008). textit{How WAP Works}. \ {Available:http://compnetworking.about.com/gi/o.htm?zi=1/XJ/YazTi=1sdn=compnetworkingcdn=computetm=552f=internet.htmv}. \Last accessed 24 May 2010. end{thebibliography} end{document} end{document}
Monday, January 20, 2020
Essay --
NAME : SRINIVAS GADDI ID # 700604772 HOME WORK-III SUBJECT: DATA BASE THEORY AND APPLICATIONS 3.11) a) select distinct name from student natural join takes natural join course where dept_name="comp.sci". b) (select name, id from student natural join takes) minus (select id, name from student natural join takes where year c) select dept_name, max(salary) from instructor group by dept_name. d) select min(max_salary) from (select dept_name, max(salary) max_salary from instructor group by dept_name). 3.12 a) insert into course ( title, course_id, credits ,dept_name) values ('weekly seminar','CS-001',0,'comp.sci"). b) insert into section (sec_id,couse_id,year,semester) values('1','CS-001,2009 ,'autumn'). c) insert into takes(course_id,id,sec_id, year ,semester ) select 'cs-001',id,'1',2009,'autumn' from student where dept_name='comp.sci'.; d) delete from takes where (sec_id = '1') and (course_id = 'CS-001') and (year = 2009) and (semester = 'Fall') and (id in (select id from student where name = 'Chavez' )); e) delete from course where course_id ='cs-001'. this will executed successfully because section has foreign key which has on delete cascade constraints so when we try to delete any course it will not affect any table . f) delete from takes where course_id in (select course_id from course where lower(title) like '%database%'); 3.13) creation of person table:- create table person (driver_id varchar(25), name varchar(25), address varchar(25), primary key (driver_id)); creation of car table:- create table car (license varchar(25), model varchar(25), year int, primary key (license)); creation of accident table:- create table accident (rep... ...t title) from course)) 3.23) The similar attributes of takes table and section table form a foreign key of takes, referencing section. due to this , each takes column should match at most one section column ,and there should not be any extra columns in any group. These attributes cannot take on the null value, since they are part of the primary key of takes. Thus, joining section in the from clause should not reflect any loss of columns in any group. As a result, there would be no change in the result. 3.24) Use sub queries in place of where clause, with one of the sub queries having a second level sub query in the from clause as below. select distinct dept_name as D from instructor as A where (select sum(salary) from instructor where dept_name = D) >= (select avg (B) from (select sum(salary) as A from instructor group by dept_name));
Saturday, January 11, 2020
How Hilton Hotels Builds a Relationship with Its Customers
Introduction This study aims to apply the application of value chain to a selected organisation in a service industry. This study aims to use Hilton Hotels as the focus of this paper. The main purpose of this study is to examine how Hilton Hotels builds a relationship with its customers, how it improves the added value to retain customers and what should be improved under the context of value chain to improve the better services in order to effectively deliver customer satisfaction and exceed their expectation. The paper will start from providing brief information about Hilton Hotels and then move on to analyse and discuss the key issues. About Hilton Hotel Hilton Hotels is one of the leading international premium hotels in the world. The company was founded by Conrad Hilton (Hilton Hotels, n. d. ). It offers full-services hotels and resorts to customers in many major cities around the world. Through different kinds of customer service programmes, it attempts to develop a good relationship with the targeted market. It also attempts to use the ‘Hilton Honors’ which is customer loyalty programme to retain existing customers (Hilton Hotels, n. . ). The programme does not only enable Hilton Hotels to assess quality premium services from the hotel and its affiliated firms, but also helps them to experience the feeling of privilege. How effective are the organisation’s resources in delivering its service offering? Based on the concept of value chain, it can be assumed that Hil ton Hotels attempts to add value to its offerings with the use of effective support value chain activities. Hilton Hotels uses different support value chain activities to sustain the effectiveness of primary activities to exceed customer satisfaction and expectation. These can be explained below. Primary Value Chain Activities of Hilton Hotel Inbound Logistics Hilton Hotels have several suppliers in each country in order to have sufficient supplies as part of a good quality service for customers. There are three most important areas that Hilton Hotels pays a lot of attention on because they influence people to pay more for premium services. These include food and drink, pick-up and other motor service and interior design. For example, Hilton Hotels decides to use different suppliers for fresh meat and vegetables to get the best products from suppliers with specialised offers. Once the goods are delivered, food and catering department of Hilton Hotels will store them in the right temperature until they are required. Before they are put in the stockroom, catering staff will put different colour stickers on the package. For example, fresh meat will have the maximum lifetime of five days. If it arrives on Monday, the blue sticker with the word ‘FRI’ should be put on the package to inform the chef and other kitchen staff that it should be used by Friday or otherwise, it should be binned to avoid food poisoning. The same practice is also true for car courtesy service and interior design. For example, Hilton Hotels has a contract with Mercedes Benz and other luxurious car brands to support its car courtesy services, while its interior design is done by a professional firm which will be in charge for all events held at the hotel. Operations As previously explained, this stage involved with transforming the goods into the finished offerings for end users. At Hilton Hotels, there are many goods that need to get through the operations process before being delivered to the end users. For example, all rooms will be cleaned once the customers check-out to ensure that that they are ready to serve the next guest. Outbound Logistics This is about delivering the finished goods to final users. For Hilton Hotels, this is about the presentation of both tangible and intangible products to customers. For example, the room must be spotless and equipped with facilities as promised and advertised. Also, the food should be cooked in the right manner, such as if the customer asks for a medium rare steak, they should get what they have requested. Once the food is cooked, it should be served to the customer within five minutes and the table must be cleared within ten minutes. Marketing & Sale This is about developing the marketing communication and promotion strategies that meet the needs and demands of customers. The marketing communication message used by in the poster is ‘Never feel away from home †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ When living any of our over 514 hotels worldwide!!! ’ This slogan informs the target market that wherever they go, they can always be comfortable like staying at home at the Hilton Hotels which has more than 514 outlets worldwide. Hilton Hotels does give some discounts to customers during the low season. It does not do this on a regular basis like many budget accommodations. This is because it targets customers who are less price-sensitive and they are willing to pay more for premium services. Service Through the customer loyalty programme ‘Hilton Honors’ to monitor behaviour of customers. This loyalty program enables card holders to access other premium quality services from the partnership companies of Hilton Hotels, such as car rental firms and airlines. The loyalty scheme allows the hotel to improve the products and services to meet new demand in the market more effectively. Support Value Chain Activities of Hilton Hotel Firm infrastructure Hilton Hotels is an international hotel chain with many resorts and leisure accommodations in many cities around the world. Customers should expect to get the same quality standard of leisure hotel services. This is because Hilton Hotels has an effective system to control the performance of the company. There are five main factors that Hilton Hotels uses to maintain its performance in all cities. These include cleanliness, quality, service, maintenance and atmosphere (Roubi & Litteljohn, 2004). All hotel rooms and common areas of the hotel should be spotless, the service should be delivered in a professional manner, cars, tools and equipments should be maintained and checked to ensure that they work effectively when required and the interior design should provide comfort. All of these elements are part of the organisational culture of Hilton Hotels. Human resource management Both frontline and management workers of Hilton Hotels are well-trained to deliver a perfect customer serving. Hilton Hotels tends to select employees with the right skills and knowledge. It is revealed that Hilton Hotels welcomes and prefers employees who have degrees from hospitality institutes in Switzerland. However, those with appropriate experiences are also welcomed. All workers of Hilton Hotels are required to attend both on-the-job and off-the-job training programmes to ensure that they are equipped with the right tools to carry out a good customer service. At the same time, to motivate all workers to work towards the assigned tasks with their best effort, Hilton Hotels provides its workers with financial and non-financial rewards. Some employees who have been working for the hotel for more than two years are eligible for organisational rewards, which are in the form of shares that are sold to workers at a discounted price (Watson et al. , 2007). Technology department Like other companies in the hospitality segment, the technology development and web-technology is used by Hilton Hotels to improve customer satisfaction in terms of fast and instant customer service. Hilton Hotel develops an official website which enables customers to book a hotel room, make a request for the airport pick up and other additional services. The website of Hilton Hotels does not only make it easy for customers to access the services of the hotel, but it also enables the hotel to promote its brand and offers worldwide at the lowest cost (Lo et al. , 2010). Procurement Hilton Hotels is very selective about its suppliers. This is because it positions itself as the international premium hotel chain. Thus, apart from good quality products and services that these suppliers have to provide, they must also follow the rules set by Hilton Hotels. Hilton Hotels requires all of its suppliers to be environmental-friendly and should not be involved in any kind of unethical issues, such as sweatshop and using underage workers (Hilton Hotels, n. d. ). How is Hilton Hotel attempting to build a relationship with the customer? Under the concept of value chain, it can be assumed that the targeted customers of Hilton Hotels are those who are quality conscious and they are willing to pay extra for the best service. Hilton Hotels uses differentiation strategy to develop a good relationship with customers and this enables it to retain customers more effectively. Differentiation & Value Chain – Customer Service Based on the analysis in the previous section, it can be assumed that Hilton Hotels develops a strong bond with targeted customers through value chain differentiation strategy. This is done by making its customer service different from others in the same segment. Hilton Hotels aims to offer the best leisure products and services in the industry. This strategy does not only enable it to charge customers premium price, but it also allows Hilton Hotels to retain and influence the repeated purchase behaviour (Vukmir, 2006). The loyalty scheme ‘Hilton Honor’ does not just makes customers feel that they are more privilege than others, but also enables them to access many premium services. Hilton Hotels must work hard to ensure that the promised offerings are delivered to customers. Differentiation & Value Chain – Technology To keep customers updated with new offers, Hilton Hotels sends electronic mails to customers who sign up for the service. The technology makes it easy for Hilton Hotels to develop a customer database and this can help them to monitor the behaviour of targeted customers more effectively. Hilton Hotels also utilises other new forms of media to keep a good relationship with customers through social networks like Facebook and YouTube. This enables customers to share experiences about their stay at Hilton Hotels. At the same time, this also allows Hilton Hotels to keep customers informed about recent events and activities. Conclusion According to the analysis in the previous sections, it can be assumed that there is little evidence about customer satisfaction towards the services of Hilton Hotels. However, based on the review of Hilton Hotels on TripAdvisor website (2009), it can be seen that it receives four out of five stars and 87 percent of customers who stay at the Hilton recommend it to others. The only problem that many customers appear to complain about is the pricing tactic of Hilton Hotels. Thus, under the current difficult economic conditions, it seems that customers will become more price-sensitive as they have less disposal income or start being cautious about their spending habits. They may look for substitute leisure accommodations which offer quality lodging services at affordable and reasonable prices. This means that even customers with a high spending power may still want to stay in a hotel room without breaking a bank. Therefore, there are two possible tactics that Hilton Hotels can consider in order to add value to its offerings. These include (1) promotional offer or competitive deals; and (2) complimentary or free gifts. The first strategy does not only add value to the offerings and exceed customer expectation, but it is also attractive to those who look for value for money. By contrast, the second strategy will satisfy customers who pay a full price on services. Complimentary offers would be perceived by them as a thank you gift from Hilton Hotels. This tactic will also make high spending-power customers feel privileged. Thus, it can be concluded that both strategies should effectively add value to the offerings of Hilton Hotels and satisfy customers with different spending powers.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Pastoral Society
Definition: A pastoral society is a social system in which the breeding and herding of domestic animals is a major form of production for good and other purposes.
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