Thursday, December 26, 2019
Arming Faculty The Truth and Reality - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1593 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/04/01 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Truth Essay Did you like this example? With the ever-growing threat of school shootings happening amongst the United States of America, people have chosen to look elsewhere to help protect the least protected, the students. One such method is to arm the faculty. While there is some backlash, such as possible student access to the weapons, uncertainty of teacher person mental history, and the expenses of arming the faculty. Thus, this essay examines the reasons why arming faculty members in the school system is a good idea because itll minimize the threat level of a shooter, help law enforcement and help save student lives. Minimize the Threat Level. Everybody believes that when people suggest arming faculty members, they automatically think of weapons (i.e. guns), but that isnt always the case. One reason that arming faculty members would be a good idea is that itll minimize the threat level of a shooter, for example, having the ability to detect a possible shooter and be able to control a situation with minimum losses. The ideology to arm faculty members in the school districts would be ridiculous to automatically think that a gun would help but it just might if its done right. Now, the ability to detect a possible shooter is something that could help protect the entire students, and faculty members lives. The whole idea of the ability to detect a possible shooter begins with looking for key aspects such as, history of social, emotional and mental disturbances, lack of ethics and or no meaningful friends. Another reason that would help minimize the threat level of a shooter, for example, be able to control the situation with mi nimum losses. When it states, control the situation with minimum losses and the whole ideology of arming faculty members, everyone believes a gun yet its not the entire case. The controlling of the situation would be the chaos that happens when theres an active shooter in the school, being uniformed could help minimize that loss. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Arming Faculty: The Truth and Reality" essay for you Create order Helps the Law Enforcement When the issue is brought up about arming the faculty members of the school districts, everyone thinks of cities where the first responders are a few blocks away but they dont think of the rural school districts across America. For instance, rural portion of Missouri has a school district called Plato R-5 School District, located in the northwestern part of Texas County. Area wise Texas County is the largest of Missouris 114 counties, hence its name as the second largest of the fifty states, it exceeds the smallest state, Rhode Island. If they should have an active shooter the nearest towns to Plato would be Houston, MO (28.1 mi 35 min), Lebanon, MO (33.6 mi 41 min), or Licking, MO (28.7 mi 36 min). Based on that information, clearly arming the faculty would be a good idea because it would take clearly 28 to 33 miles away and anywhere from 35 to 41 minutes before any law enforcement could arrive. If anyone has ever been and or lived in a rural town with no law enforcement, everyon e can agree that it takes awhile for emergency services to get to anyone including schools. Which can lead to the next idea about how arming faculty members is a good idea. Help Save Student Lives Half of the country believes that arming faculty members would help minimize the threat level meanwhile, the rest of the country strongly disagrees with that statement. With school districts being a gun free zone they are a weaker target and more susceptible to being a target for attacks. While already addressing the facts of the ideology behind arming the faculty and how some rural school districts across America dont have a police station right around the block to help them. Drawing it down to how can student lives be saved, either by undergoing a lot of training to have a better understanding on how to operate a weapon successfully in a complex, highly stressed situation and or a lot of emotional recognition brought into the school districts to help keep a shooting at bay. A Harrold Independent School District in Harrold, Texas, Mr. D. Thweatt has a plan called Guardian Plan. The program was simple, the school board would individually approve school employees who already held stat e concealed handgun licenses to participate in the program and the district would provide them with extra training (Thweatt, 2018). Again, Thweatt (2018) explained it best as, Think of how schools are set up: They typically have long, branching corridors with rooms off those corridors. The buildings themselves create their own gun-silencing and incident silo-ing effect. If a school has one resource officer on-site, and he or she is at one end of the school, it may not be feasible for that officer to detect, let alone respond in time to, a deadly threat. You need eyes and ears strategically placed throughout the school, and they need to be equipped to deal swiftly with a life-threating attack. Counterargument Inescapably arming teacher/faculty members wouldnt be a good idea because of possible student access, the uncertainty of teacher personal mental history, and expenses of arming the teachers/faculty. To even suggest having weapons near students is a ridiculous idea, there is a high chance of, for instance, high school students, who can overpower the teacher and get ahold of the weapon. Additionally, how can people know the personal mental health history of the teachers/faculty who will be having this option to hold a weapon, they could easily snap and be the active shooter. Lastly, the expenses of arming the teachers/faculty will be too far expensive for not only the school systems because theyre already so strapped for money, arming them would be ridiculous to add to the budget. To sum up, arming teachers/faculty wouldnt be a good idea but instead a horrible idea. Rebuttal Some people may argue that arming teachers/faculty is not the way to go, Thweatt (2018) said it best, Those opposed to this type of a plan argue that allowing faculty and staff to carry concealed firearms makes schools more dangerous, not less. Yet many of those same people are OK with the status quo uniformed, armed security guards carrying firearms on school campuses (not to mention airports, stadiums and malls) in open holsters. Their objection reflects a misunderstanding. but in all honestly arming teachers/faculty is a great start because there would be certain key steps to make sure students cant gain access to the weapons. Including mental health screenings and let alone the expenses of arming the teachers/faculty would be calculated to not be a big effect on the schools account or taxpayers. For instance, when making sure students cant gain access to the weapons, would be having the weapons in a locked safe with only the teachers/faculty who knows the password. The mental he alth screenings would be given to all the teachers/faculty who want to have this additional job would be screened to make sure mentally theyre capable to understand the importance they have. Lastly, the expenses of arming the teachers/faculty would be calculated to not affect the school account or taxpayers wallets because they can have it where the local police department give training that would drop the cost of arming the teachers. Thus, arming the teachers/faculty in the correct, logical way can be a good idea to help protect the least protected. Conclusion Taking everything into consideration, this was a pretty diverse yet highly argumentative topic on why arming faculty members in the school system is a good idea. There are clearly apposing notions on how to accomplish this problem, yet there is nonetheless an agreeance from both sides of the argument and thats helping to protect the least protected, the students of school districts. If both sides will work to find an equal medium on this most abrupt issue that has occurred in this year of America, the students of America will no longer be a target of shooters. If it happens to be with faculty members being armed with weapons to help deter the shooters or even faculty members being equipped with diverse knowledge on how to detect a possible shooter, if its done correctly faculty members being equipped with a weapon could very well be the answer. When an essay has a Counterargument and a Rebuttal in the paper, the reader can already tell that this paper will be filled with a non-biased opinion on a topic. When it comes to Ethos and what it can do for the paper, it creates the perfect amount of creditability yet a challenge for the writer. Its very easy to get lost in really high lightening the writers opinion on a topic, thus, is why counterarguments helps redirect the writer to look at the other sides opinion of the topic. When looking at the other sides opinion it can bring up new information to look into, so the writers essay wont be so tunneled vision on just one side, they have to literally weigh out each side to find the equal medium. The Rebuttal though helps the writer further their opinion by shutting down the other sides opinion with facts, thats how a counterargument and rebuttal work for a writer. They can look at both sides and enrich their research by keeping in mind not only their opinion but also the other sid es too. Thats how it adds credibility to the paper, it makes the writer further their research to get more in-depth or enriched evidence to help their case without losing the main idea of why theyre writing the paper to begin with.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Greek Mythology A Tragic Hero - 2559 Words
Greek mythology is such an interesting genre of stories. They let the audience, or reader, know what happens in the plot before the actual story takes place. In this Greek tragedy, the main character is in conflict with himself and has a wicked twist of ethics with fate itself. The story of Oedipus is one of the greatest Greek stories in history; Oedipus is a tragic hero in a classic Greek tragedy. A tragic hero is a character, that no matter what they choose to do, whether it is to run and hide or fight, their fate is sealed leaving them destined for downfall some point in their life. No matter what happens to the hero, whatever the gods have decided, it will happen. Oedipus tries to escape his dreadful fate which has been bestowed upon him; his horrible feud with his fate is his ultimate downfall and was always meant to be his demise. His fight is the good and evil he has to battle through. The prophecy of Oedipus; when he is born, his parents are told of the fate bestowed upon the m all. â€Å"Shortly after Oedipus’ birth, his father, King Laius of Thebes, learned from an oracle that he, Laius, was doomed to perish by the hand of his own son†(Maston). Oedipus is to kill his father, Laius, and wed his mother Iocasta. Afraid of what was said, Laius gives his son to a herdsman who is to take the child and murder him, but he then pities the child and decides to pierce Oedipus’ feet, hence his name Oedipus, and send him with another herdsman far away. Fortunately for Oedipus, theShow MoreRelatedGreek Mythology And Mythology Of The Iliad, Oedipus Rex And Others1294 Words  | 6 Pagesbeen shaped by mythology and religion. The impacts of ancient cultures in particular are felt worldwide through a variety of mediums. Others have referenced ancient cultures for a long time, in hopes of better understanding them. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Role of Management Accountant free essay sample
The managers in Annovim Plc will have implement cost determination to ensure proper accounting and that transfer pricing will not result in disfavourable figures to their own departments. Cost determination at Annovim Plc across the three processes including mixing, cooking and packaging is one of the functions of management accountant in understanding the processes within Annovim Plc. Then financial control of maintaining that Annovim is able to sell its products after having mark-ups of 25% in each division and the management accountant needs to identify if it is going to drain the profitability of the company. Next, the need for provision of information to carry out the duties of management planning and control. This is seen as a management activity but in a staff role. Usually, it involves staff (management) support to line management through the use of technologies such as decision analysis and responsibility accounting. The management controls are oriented towards manufacturing and internal administration in Annovim. We will write a custom essay sample on Role of Management Accountant or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is to ensure that Annovim’s divisions do not over produce or under produce to the market demands. Over productions of candy bars, chews and other sweets will result in increase cost of storage and warehousing. While, under-production of the 3 products may result in losing out market share to competitors in fulfilling the demands of the market place. Purchasing managers of the three divisions will also need to ensure that raw material purchases are forecasted ideally to meet the production requirements. Any excess purchase of raw materials will incur additional storage cost and preferably ‘just-in-time’ production strategy should be practiced i. e. ordering and delivering of raw materials aims at reducing in process inventory and associated carrying cost. This process, of course, need to be carefully planned if one of the raw materials like sugar that may be in short supply. Then, warehousing and storage of such raw materials may be necessary to allow a smooth flow in production. Furthermore, as the senior management accountant, there is a need to understand the production processes involving mixing, cooking and packaging of the wide variety of differently Annovim’s products. By having a detailed and comprehensive knowledge of the business processes, the management accountant could help to reduce resources wastage. Take for example, Annovim’s products mostly passed through the 3 processes of mixing, cooking and packaging. Questions arise whether the company should centralize the 3 processes for the 3 divisions or each manager set up and control the processes of their products. Or perhaps, Annivom should change its organisational structure with a production manager to control the production of all its products and reverse the roles of its divisional managers to marketing sales managers for its products. To coordinate the production and the marketing sales, an appointment of operations director for snacks to overall in charge and coordinating production, sales, marketing and branding. Thus, the design, maintenance and interpretation of information about the business processes will become of considerable importance in effective management. The challenge for management accountants will be the primary providers of this information for strategic decisions. This is to ensure that through the use of process analysis and cost management technologies that appropriate information is available to support managers and employees at all levels and not just information from the divisional managers. Finally, management accountant needs to create value through effective resources use. As mentioned above, the necessity to avoid duplications of workflow may be required if the product is not warranted for having its own mixing, cooking and packaging processes. Annovom could even consider outsourcing its production as it may even be cost saving to let the manufacturing of candy bars, chews and other sweets to a third party. With the further increased and emphasized the challenge of global competition, the tailoring of supply to meet market demands, downsizing or increase in production capacity can be done through outsourcing which Annovim itself may have problems doing it alone. This could be a solution to made lean manufacturing a key element in its strategy to be world-class competitors. Take for instance, US chocolate manufacturer, Hershey outsourced the production of its low- value products in 2007. Alternatively, like Cadbury, for example, began with the goal of selling a Dairy Milk Chocolate bar to every Chinese citizen. Toward that end, Cadbury decided to manufacture chocolate in China rather than assume the costs of exporting it from Australia. At first blush, that was a logical, economical plan. But Cadbury failed to anticipate how hard it would be to get a steady supply of quality milk within China; the Chinese are not milk drinkers, and good dairies are few and far between.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Air Pollution and Modern Society Essay Example
Air Pollution and Modern Society Paper As all of us know that, air is the inevitable substance for life. Air pollution is a growing problem in the modern society. There is several organizations, which offers remedial measures throughout the world. Generally, air pollution is a major consequence of modern society for example; at the end of 20th century, invention of machines and technologies in the automobile sites resulted in more pollution of air than the past. In my perspective, people should take steps against air pollution because air is a trial constituent of environment and it consists of oxygen and other elements which is necessary for the existence of human life. Polluted air could cause long term breathing disorders like asthma. On the other hand, modern life of people would collapse and they might have difficulties in their daily routine. But in my view, if the people get awareness about the consequences, it will be easy for them to practice control measures without interfering their way of life for instance; in some west countries, people use cycle as their transport medium avoiding cars and vans. By doing small step against air pollution, would help for non air polluted universe in future. Moreover, people should use public transport rather keeping leg on private one. We will write a custom essay sample on Air Pollution and Modern Society specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Air Pollution and Modern Society specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Air Pollution and Modern Society specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer To conclude, air pollution must reduce in the world so that we could build a bright future. Personally recommend individual measures against air pollution. If people change their way of life slightly to reduce pollution, we would stop air pollution more easily as the proverb says that ‘Several drops make an ocean. â€Å"
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